Faith Tinsley

Director of Finance

Faith Tinsley serves as Director of Finance, working closely with SCF President and CEO Troy Hanna and the Foundation’s Outsourced Chief Investment Officer Prime Buchholz to support the Foundation’s role as fiduciary for over 1,100 philanthropic funds. Faith leads the Finance Team, managing financial reporting, fund audit requests, and financial analysis for the Foundation’s operational budget. Her accounting, analysis, and reporting background in diverse industries translates well to meeting the needs of the Foundation’s diverse portfolio of operational and donor funds.

During the pandemic, Faith worked and managed renovating a historic home in Spartanburg, SC. She enjoys gardening, birding, hiking, cycling, and caring for her beloved cats. When time permits, she loves visiting our National Parks.

Contact For:
  • Accounting 
  • Financial Management & Reporting 
  • Fund Auditor Confirmation Requests
  • Financial Analysis