Spartanburg County Foundation Is Nationally Accredited

The Spartanburg County Foundation is accredited with the nation’s highest standard for philanthropic excellence. Community Foundations National Standards® establish legal, ethical, effective practices for community foundations everywhere.

The Community Foundations National Standards® program requires community foundations to document their policies for donor services, investments, grantmaking and administration. With over 500 community foundations already accredited nationwide, the program is designed to provide quality assurance to donors, as well as to their legal and financial advisors.

“This is critically important to our fundholders and donors. They are putting their trust in us every day to make wise investments and honor their wishes,” said Troy Hanna, Spartanburg County Foundation President and CEO. “We continue to monitor our adherence to these standards and apply for accreditation renewal every three years.”

The Spartanburg County Foundation works to meet critical community needs and support local causes, promoting philanthropy, encouraging community engagement, and responding to community needs.

The Spartanburg County Foundation offers a range of charitable funds, allowing donors to advance a cause, support an individual organization, provide flexible support for community needs or recommend individual grants. In addition to affirming the organization’s philanthropic services, the accreditation validates the Foundation’s grantmaking practices for the nonprofit community.

“Grantmaking is a form of community investment,” said Ashley Whitt, Vice President of Grants and Community Impact. “We need to assess risks, weigh potential gains, monitor performance and operate fairly. With our National Standards accreditation, you can be assured that we’re doing just that.”

Community Foundations National Standards® is the first program of its kind for charitable foundations in the United States.

Through philanthropic services, strategic investments and community leadership, the Spartanburg County Foundation helps people support the causes they care about, now and for generations to come.

The Community Foundations National Standards Board is a supporting organization of the Council on Foundations and is responsible for the quality, value and integrity of compliance with National Standards. For more information on the National Standards Board, visit its website at

The Accreditation Seal is only awarded to those community foundations that continue to meet comprehensive standards. Those receiving the Accreditation Seal have demonstrated their commitment to the success and well-being of every cause and person they support, and are willing and able to stand by every grant they have made. Dollars set aside for charity are limited. The Accreditation Seal signals to donors and to their professional advisers that a community foundation is a sound place to give and make a difference.

-from the Community Foundations National Standards website