Institute for Youth Justice

The Institute for Youth Justice provides leadership training, education, and an opportunity to connect with other youth who are interested in making a positive difference in their communities. Spartanburg County 11th & 12th graders are introduced to the criminal justice system to help them gain a deeper understanding of the inner-workings of the system, eliminate misconceptions, build long-lasting partnerships between youth and criminal justice officials, and empower Spartanburg County youth to become positive contributors and leaders in our community. The Foundation serves as as a partner and fiscal agent of the Institute for Youth Justice by providing staff support in coordinating logistics and managing the Institute for Youth Justice Fund.

Institute for Youth Justice FAQs

What are the goals of the Institute?
How is the Institute’s curriculum presented?
What will the sessions cover?
How do I apply to participate in the Institute?

To Learn More

To learn more about the Institute for Youth Justice, visit their website: