SCF Updates Community Event Sponsorship Policy

SCF Sponsorships for Community Events

The Spartanburg County Foundation considers it a privilege to sponsor community events that support organizations serving Spartanburg County residents. The Foundation also views event sponsorship as a means to leverage its reputational capital to benefit area nonprofits in an effort to draw other potential donors to the nonprofit to support its operations, outreach, and secure additional sponsors for its events. Sponsorships also provide visibility for the Foundation based upon the benefits provided to event sponsors.

a man standing at a podium with large, lighted letters spelling out UNITY behind him

The Spartanburg County Foundation was pleased to provide a Peace Among Mankind Sponsorship for the 2024 Unity Week Activities honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Foundation considers sponsorship requests made at least sixty (60) days prior to the event, and for events hosted by SCF mission-aligned nonprofit organizations.


The Spartanburg County Foundation is committed to improving the lives of Spartanburg County residents by promoting philanthropy, encouraging community engagement, and responding to community needs.


All Spartanburg County residents achieve their human potential through continuous improvement in quality of life, educational achievement, and economic mobility.

The Spartanburg County Foundation provides three types of sponsorships.

  1. Recurring Annual Event Sponsorships: The Spartanburg County Foundation may consider a limited number of local and regional events that receive recurring sponsorships. These are limited in scope, selected by the SCF Leadership Team, and are not guaranteed to be chosen each year. 
  2. Event Sponsorships: The Foundation allocates a limited amount of its annual budget for community event sponsorships. The goal of these sponsorships is to support the organization hosting the event and leverage the Foundation’s reputational capital to help the organization recruit additional sponsors.
  • Only 501(c)(3) organizations, a chapter of a 501(c)(3) organization or a charitable entity operating as an SCF component fund will be considered for an event sponsorship.
  • The Foundation will not award more than one event sponsorship to an organization in a calendar year and does not generally award consecutive year event sponsorships.
  • Event Sponsorship must be applied for not less than 60 (sixty) days before an event. The earlier an application is received, the greater consideration the event will be given.
  • To ensure that we are able to support a wide variety of community events, event sponsorships are generally limited to $1,000 per event. Consideration will also be given to smaller amounts.
  1. Ticket Purchases/Advertising Support: The Foundation also allocates a limited budget to purchase event tickets to support nonprofit organizations and their fundraising/awareness events or to purchase advertising in event programs. An applicant for Event Sponsorships should include information regarding event ticket purchases and/or advertising opportunities.  If Event Sponsorship funds are not available or the full amount requested is not approved by the Leadership Team, ticket or program advertising purchases may be considered as a means of support for the organization and its event.

Considerations for Event Organizers Requesting Sponsorships

  1. Please make sure the event for which you request sponsorship is being held at least two months from the time you make your request.
  2. Please make sure your request is for an organization that is a 501(c)(3) organization or a chapter of a 501(c)(3) organization or operating as an SCF component fund.
  3. If you have questions about our sponsorship process, please contact the SCF Communications Officer, Kim Atchley, by phone 864-582-0138 or email,
  4. Please be prepared to submit a W-9 form for your organization when submitting your sponsorship request. This streamlines the payment process for approved sponsorships. The address on the W-9 must match the mailing address for the organization receiving an approved sponsorship. Please note: SCF only needs page 1 of the W-9 form to be submitted with your sponsorship request.
  5. Please be prepared to upload any digital format of a sponsorship packet your organization has prepared for this event.
  6. Let us know if your sponsorship request includes a request for a representative of the Foundation to speak or present information/awards, etc. at your event. This is NOT required or factored into the approval process. This allows us to respond fully to your request in a timely manner and in consideration of staff commitments and availability.
  7. It is our goal that approval or declination of your request will be provided within two weeks of submitting our Sponsorship Request form.

*Charitable efforts operating as a component fund of the Foundation must make sure they have followed the Foundation’s fundraising policy.

If Your Sponsorship Request is Approved 

  1. Organizations whose sponsorship request is approved must send an invoice for the amount specified in the approval notification to the SCF Communications Officer via email or mail to: 424 E. Kennedy Street, Spartanburg, SC 29302. 
  2. Your sponsorship invoice will be processed through the SCF Finance Department. Checks are mailed within two weeks of the receipt of an invoice.
  3. SCF does not process event sponsorship payments through ACH transfers, online payments, or any third party (ex: Paypal, Venmo, CashApp).

If Your Sponsorship Request is Declined

  1. While we strive to support as many community events as possible in a given year, please remember that SCF Sponsorship funds are limited.
  2. You are welcome to apply again for a future event.

To Submit A Sponsorship Request

Complete the form linked to the button below, type into your web browser, or scan the code to be directed to the request form.
