One of the ways the Spartanburg County Foundations works to improve the lives of Spartanburg County residents is to promote philanthropy. Philanthropy is promoting the well-being of others. Many think of this as monetary gifts to others but it includes much more. Volunteering time and professional services are acts of philanthropy. Providing information and opportunities for others interested in giving and serving to meet community needs promotes philanthropy.
Here are just a few ways we have done this in 2023.

This year, we hosted several Donor Connect educational sessions to help our donors, fundholders, and community members learn about specialized topics and new opportunities in our community. We continued our Estate Planning series with Fundamentals of Estate Planning and a session specifically addressing Trusts.
Our annual document Shred Day provided another service to SCF Fundholders. We addressed the indicator area of Natural Environment while safely discarding documents with the on-site Shred-It truck. Please mark your calendar now for our 2024 Shred Day, which will be held on Monday, April 15th.

Following the direction provided by participants in last year’s events, we also offered sessions about Staying Safe Online, Our Natural Environment, and Venture Philanthropy. Our upcoming January 24th Donor Connect will provide more information about local opportunities for donors to work with the new SCF-Abundance Capital partnership to invest in local projects. If you missed these sessions, links to the recorded sessions are included for each along with a press release describing the Abundance Capital Partnership.
A broad range of Donor Connect events will be hosted by the Foundation in 2024. Please look out for our e-news and social media for details about these events. If you’d like more information about these, please feel free to reach out to us at events@spcf.org.